Saturday, May 2, 2009

How to knot your cashmere shawl as a tunic

Drape your GM around you and bring the left and right top corners to your front:

Tie them together with a small double knot,

and slip behind your neck:

This brings you to here:

Arrange the folds and put on a belt to secure. Voilà!

Variations with La Danse du Cheval Marvari

and Damier shawl. 

For a shorter version, fold over a few centimeters/inches before starting with step one:


  1. MT, this is a fabulous look! Thank you for showing the steps! I can't wait to try it out (once I get my first shawl)..

  2. Amazing! And like dreamdoll said, all I need now is the shawl. (adds yet another H item to my wish list).

  3. Thank you dreamdoll and Bonjour Madame! If you have a Pareo at home, you could try the tunic as a beach/garden summer look.

  4. Thank you for posting the How-To's T. You are re-igniting my desire to use my scarves again since I've been side-tracked by a little French store that opened over here... Cop Copine.

  5. Great to see you liness! I understand the temptation of CopCopine only too well.. *sigh*

  6. Shoot. I just bought a scarf like this after seeing your post. I bought it on eBay so could not try it on. It's the first larger Hermes one I have bought. But I just tried what you did and, you know what? I'm too short! I can't believe it. I'm 5'3" and it drags on the ground. When I double it over, it takes on a lot of volume and makes me look a bit wide. I am sure I will figure something out. I love your site!

  7. Hi Liz, congrats on your shawl and thank you for your lovely comment re. my blog, I am glad you enjoy it here.

    Let's try and work the tunic out. I am 5ft7, which means we need to get rid of 4 inches of fabric. I agree with you, folding it in half creates too much bulk. Fold four inches over instead, then proceed with step one to six. I have posted an additonal pic for you in the above post.

    For an alternative look tie your GM behind your neck like a gigantic bib/napkin. Then wrap the shawl around your body, overlapping on your back. Arrange the folds and secure with a belt.

    Good luck Liz and let me know how it worked!
