
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Capsule wardrobe #110 ~ Paris in autumn

The weather in Paris in September can be anything. Sometimes still summery and warm, other times autumn winds blow leaves through rainy streets. Last week, we had a little bit of everything, showers followed by blue sky, followed by showers. But whatever the weather, the streets of Paris are always beautiful and romantic...

The fontaine St Sulpice in St Germain ~ perfect sheets of water cascading between roaring lions, guarding Paris' coat of arms

for the sheets of water coming from above, parapluis were a must..

Place de Vosges, Marais

My hair is darker than below, I don't know why the exposure turned it out so light!


Marais ~ behind this stunning gate lies the magnificent 'Hôtel Amelot de Bisseuil'. Built in the late 1650s, it has never been open to the public, but has seen illustrous guests and visitors. Beaumarchais lived and worked here for more than a decade, and wrote the 'The Marriage of Figaro' behind these walls in 1778..  ~ 47, Rue Vielle-du-Temple, 75004 Paris

The wooden door is richly decorated with lions, angels and medusas

Huîtres, coquillages et crustacés (oysters, shellfish and crustaceans)

Capsule pieces: black dress by Gerard Darel and black tights
Shoes: Hermès Jumping boots in black
Accessories: Hermès 'Ex-Libris' cashmere GM, Kelly Dog bracelet in black croc and 35 Birkin in black
Scarf tying method: Cowboy knot 

St Germain

St Sulpice fountain by night

Les Deux Magots

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  1. Gorgeous photos! I love your outfit and accessories.

  2. Paris, Paris.... Beautiful photos, I had the feeling to be there.

  3. Oh Mai Tai you are "sublime" you look 25 years old max. So fine, young and I like your blond hair on the picture,
    Of course other pictures from Paris very nice but my eyes were scotched on your shape....
    Looking forward to seeing your buyings. H may be?

    1. Oh you made my day ;-) ! Buying (singular) coming soon.. Amitiés

  4. The silouhette of Arielle Dombadle, We can not like her because very sophisticated but very sportive also, it was at Maurice Islands when there with BHL and I had contacts with them and she is simple, intelligent and a body to fall down... So fine naturally. I changed my mind concerning this person. And BHL would not like a stupid wife for sure,
    This is only a little "parentese".....she is thin like you....

    1. BHL would certainly not.. how fab to have met the couple, and wonderful to hear they were great! Bises

  5. Hello MaiTai! Many thanks for sharing your beautiful, atmospheric photos! ;-) I hope you had a wonderful visit. You looked perfectly attired, for your outings, both casual, and chic!

    1. So happy you enjoyed the pics, many thanks NN!

  6. All so beautiful ...architecture,Autumn light and YOU dear friend! I adore these little jaunts to Paris!
    Did you somehow manage to rig your umbrella to your Birkin? Rain or shine,Paris and Mai Tai make a stunning pair! Hope you are enjoying a relaxing Sunday! Big hug, T xx

    1. Haha.. I see what you mean re the umbrella! No custom Birkin here, just holding it in the left hand ;-) xx

  7. Hi Maitai!
    Cool pictures and you rock black! You just manage to make Hermès look both classy with a rock n'roll twist. As much as I pretty much love anything Hermès, the culprit is that one can end up looking quite classical. This is just the sort of compromise I strive for.
    On another note, I thought I should let you know I had my first Maitai cocktail last week and raised a glass to you (i'll be having more in the future!): I was on a weekend break in stunning Edinburgh. DH and I stumbled by accident in a gorgeous place called the Dome and had fabulous drinks! I strongly recommend if you visit the city one day.
    Have a great week,
    Béatrice, Switzerland

    1. I'm heading back to Paris in january, in the 47 years that I've been going, even in summertime, I have never seen the sun!
      I second what Beatrice said, this is a less classic look and I love it, your hair looks glorious too.

    2. Oh and Beatrice, I was in the Dome on Saturday, don't you love the interior?

    3. Hi Bourbon!
      Funny that! I loved it. The deal with my husband is to find an excuse (any really) and head back to Scotland ASAP and do another stint in Edinburgh! The Dome Inside is phenomenal: while i was enjoying my MT with DH, we had fun checking out newcomers faces as they entered the place. They were all stunned! Next time, will have dinner there... My undying love for the beautiful country that is Scotland.

    4. Oh your trip sounds such fun, dear Béatrice, and how great you've found THE place to be in! Would love to visit Edinburgh (and the Dome) one day, taking your advice to heart x

    5. Bourbon, I can’t believe you’ve always had bad weather in Paris, hope the sun will shine in January!

  8. Dear Mai Tai,

    Paris it's always worth it.. no matter the weather....

    I love your outfit.. I'm definitely going to buy this dress.

    In contrast with your stormy weather this weekend it's beeing so warm and sunny over here that when I went to Hermès to choose my fall CW I came home with "Le Robinson chic" in bleu jean... not very autummn leaves but an ABSOLUTELY gorgeous scarf..... I can't wait to see wich one you are going to choose for the new collection

    as always thanks for your time and dedication!!

    Regards from Barcelona

    1. Many congratulations on the ‘Le Robinson chic’! It is such a great design, so many scarves in one! My Paris souvenir is a Maxi Twilly, pics to come soon :-)

  9. Oh, Paris!
    My favourite city of all! <3
    You look beautiful as always, my dearest MaiTai. So elegant and chic.
    May I ask, can you recommend a good umbrella shop in Paris? I like beautiful umbrellas.
    So interesting to know 'the sttory behind' that 'stunning gate' . Will definitely pass by when in Paris.
    Have a lovely week ahead. A warm hug to you, Manuela

    1. The most amazing umbrella shop I know is Alexandra Soifer’s in St Germain. The handles are hand crafted, and the collection stunning. I recently bought a lovely umbrella at Shanghai Tang, it’s black on the outside, and red with a dragon design (DS’s chinese star sign) on the inside. I love it, it’s so cheerful to walk under xx

    2. Thank you, my dear. I have written it down already. <3
      The only nice umbrella shop I know in Paris is on the Bvd. St. Michel, close to Jardin du Luxembourg. It's called Simon.
      They also sell some nice umbrellas but I don't think their handles are hand crafted though. Bisous, Manuela

    3. Will check out Simon, many thanks for the tip! xx

  10. Oh does Paris ever look bad? I think not..its always sooooo beautiful and magical and you do the sidewalks there proud!! Love the look...

  11. Dear MaiTai,

    Hope you had a wonderfull time, photos are so beautifull I wish I was there myself.

    Look forward to seeing what delights have made their way home with you.

    Best Jane x

    1. It could not have been a more wonderful time, dear Jane. Hope you’ll like my souvenir!

  12. These are beautiful photos, enhanced by your gorgeous presence. I am really liking black again this fall and bought a black merino cardigan with leather panels. Your dress and accessories are perfect.
    BTW, I also had my first Mai Tai last summer and it was deliciously refreshing.

  13. Just spent the last 3 days in Paris on our way home from a conference in Austria and some mountain walking there. Unfortunately it rained the whole 2 weeks we were in Europe and we had to find a parapluis too! Took a lovely photo of my husband by the St Sulpice fountain probably on the same day you did! The sun stayed up long enough to walk the Bois de Boulogne to lunch at Pre Catalan and stop by Hermes on the way back for a little souvenir, La Promenade de Platon, in grey, white, black and bright green.

    1. Hope you had a wonderful time despite the rain, although two weeks of it are definitely testing.. how fun our paths have crossed so closely, we could have easily met at Hermes too. Congratulations on your new silk!

  14. Such beautiful pictures from Paris and you so elegant and pretty in black stunning you ara walking innblack.

  15. Ah Paris. Your photos make me nostalgic! Love your look here. I am very happy that we are in boots wearing season again.

    1. The boots wearing season was short lived.. we had 28 celsius in the South of France this week! But autumn will come...

  16. ST SULPICE vous le savez mon quartier preferé J adore votre capsule tenue chic et choc un brin rock en roll.J aime aussi pais sous la pluie c est si romantique selon les quartiers Cette semaine les tenues seront moins chaudes surtout l apres midi .
    Bonne semaine Bises chère MAITAI.

    1. St Sulpice... ah oui je sais, ma chère Myriam! J’adore cet quartier aussi. Chez nous, on a recommencer de sortir en tee shirt cette semaine.. Bises

  17. I brought back another souvenir too, the lovely new perfume Jour de Hermes. Thanks for your very serendipitous post. Always lovely.

    1. Love the scent, what a beautiful souvenir to remember Paris by!

  18. Love the dress - what a great buy. Looks lovely on you, very versatile I think. Thanks so much! Enjoy the week ahead. The weather here in the UK is wonderfully clement right now, so cosy autumn dresses will have to wait a while. I'm not complaining about that, lovely to enjoy the sunshine and warm temperatures for a bit longer. Thanks MT. s

    1. The dress was a great buy indeed, I had so much fun with it already..even though the season has barely started.. Have a wonderful golden and warm late summer!

  19. Simply love your impressions of Paris. Thank you so much for always making such an effort - but it's worth it, as everybody here truly seems to enjoy them! And you, of course, looking ever so chic on the go. :-)

    1. So happy you enjoyed coming along, dear Macs! hugs x

  20. Beautiful pictures, I especially love the door detail so thank you for sharing that. And you look so gorgeous and chic! XO, Jill

    1. Love the detail too. The door has two panels with faces, they look like identical twins.. exactly the same, but still a little different from each other!

  21. Dear MaiTai, these pictures are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing with us. I picked up the 90cm Petit Duc in Khaki/Noir/Creme. It has some similar elements to Ex Libris. That dress is so chic!

    1. Love the Petit Duc, many congratulations dear K!

  22. Thanks for showing us Paris from a new aspect again!
    K from Canada - I envy you for the scarf, I feel it would be my pick of the season (of course, if our "paths" cross each other anywhere - so far have seen several photos only, not even all cws).
    MT, have you seen the scarf range (i.e. - many of them have already arrived in FSH, or not so many?). What is your overal impression.

    1. Lea, I think you will cross paths with this scarf. I have a good feeling. :) I wore it today in reverse basic bias fold like MaiTai's post with Photo Finish. Your SA could always do a World Wide Search for the one you want. I call my SA "The Scarf Fairy". I am currently World Wide Searching the Maillons de Joel Stein in black/fuchsia/blue.

    2. Thanks sooo much for your encouragement!
      Besides our dear MaiTai, who is always an inspiration, I love the posters here, as I always get some new ideas or even get pushed to go some direction (like in this case). Today, I officially ordered my SA to look for "your" Petit Duck! Btw, I have seen the phtotos - it are definitely my colours. Waiting... :)

    3. I think you are destined to get this one Lea. Then you can send in a picture and be in MaiTai's next picture collage! :) 3 of the SA's and the Manager at my local H bought the exact same one. It is certainly a classic. MaiTai's is by far the best scarf blog!

    4. Totally agree with all you wrote.
      I need the classics, I enjoy them always and this cw is a kind of special "neutrally coloured" scarf, it tis makes sense :)
      Oh, I enjoy our dear MaiTai's blog sooo much, for the scarf tying ideas, for the style (I am always amazed how she puts the things together, I learnt a fraction of it, but sooo happy with my current little knowledge:)
      She also generously allows us to chat and I have made some scarf friends this way, you included, thank you :)
      Hugs to our dear MaiTai.

    5. The new scarves are trickling in slowly, my dear Lea, and even so at FSH. They had the new Maxi Twillys in though, and I fell in love with tone of them.. pics to come later today.. No other must-haves have emerged so far, but I still have not seen half of them!

    6. K and Lea, it is so wonderful to see that this is becoming place for discussion and exchange! Hugs to you both, and crossing my fingers for you, dear Lea.

  23. Oooo!! I'll be there in just a few weeks!! I must admit that I'm a black-a-holic...wear tons of it, so I love love love your super sophisticated looks here. As a fellow blonde, I think we can wear black without looking to "broody". BTW, your hair colour is as beautiful as corn silk.
    Now...I do need your help. I'm going to South America for 3 weeks in Nov/Dec. Do you think I can wear my indigo fur scarf in the evening? Although the weather will be warm, I don't want to look too summery...any suggestions?
    As always, I silently say a little "yippee!" when I see a new Mai Tai post in my inbox :)
    Barbara A

    1. How fantastic to have Paris to look forward to in the near future! As A said, Ms Indigo would probably not be right for SA, but she’d be perfect for Paris (you won’t believe how much fur you’ll see)! Have a most happy time planning your trip!

  24. Barbara : no no no. Fur scarf to South America at this petiod is not at all the style and too warm.
    It's warm there at this petiod and you will be a little bit out of comprehension!
    All the best

  25. I can't see the details of the dress in the front, but it looks like it can be used as a lightweight coat for fall weather. Great buy for double usage!

    1. You can see the details here: Although the dress does not open at the front, it’s great for fall and works beautifully with or without a coat :-)

    2. I have tried very hard to put my hands on this dress, as I share your opinion on its versatility. However, I have not managed to locate any site that would ship the dress to other EU countries besides France, Belgium, UK and Monaco. Sadly, I will have to buy the textile (wish me luck), find a seamstress and try to have done something similar (of course, no leather probably possible in that story). I am so sad for it, as this shape is truly my love - congrats to Gerard Darel for the perfect model.If anyone in "community" finds a store shipping to other EU countries, please do post here, if MaiTai allows it... Thanks MaiTai. Btw, you look gorgeous on these posts. You are so - you. Love, Lea

    3. Please send me an email, dear Lea:


  26. Thank you anonymous! No fur scarf for me!

    1. I am glad you girls sorted it all out already.

  27. Such a chic look, dear. I'm happy to see the jumping boots once again. Thanks for sharing all of the photos of Paris with us. I hope that DH and I return there soon. He proposed to me there, so Paris will always have a piece of my heart.

    Warm orange hugs, dear.

    1. I was jumping with joy to get the boots out!

      How romantic your DH is, and a what a wonderful memory to behold <3

  28. Which district in Paris do you usually prefer to stay/live in when you go for a few days?

    1. My favorite parts are St. Germain and the Marais :-)

  29. Thanks so much everyone for commenting and participating, it is wonderful to know you enjoyed sharing the trip with me. Thank you also for the lovely compliments, you always make my day <3 The cross chats are simply fab btw, what a happy circle this is! xx
