
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Capsule wardrobe #115 - wandering in Paris

Paris' courtyards can resemble little gems and jewels. Some have tiny landscaped gardens, others are unkept but romantic, and some house small ateliers or specialized little shops.

The rue Jacob in Saint Germain is a lovely street to meander through. It is lined with wonderful antique, fabric and interior design shops, as well as a couple of lovely boutiques and cafés. In the courtyard of No 12 (a beautiful building dating back to 1715), you find the 'Tomat's epicerie fine', a small deli guarded by a sculpture of a handsome stag.

The Tomat's is a perfect place to buy small souvenirs and gifts, and I also found a few cute stocking fillers for DS

My favorite display filled with treats in anticipation of Noël and les fêtes!

Capsule wardrobe pieces: black jeans and sweater
Shoes: black ankle boots
Accessories by Hermès:  'Monsieur et Madame' 90 Carré, 'Grand Apparat' enamel bracelet ebene and Birkin in ebene.

November can be cold in Paris, but the next café is never far away. Step out of Tomat's courtyard, and take a right until the next block where you can warm up at Ladurée (at corner of the rue Bonaparte).

Pinterest has added a wonderful new feature, which allows you to create virtual maps for your pins and boards. I already applied this to my Paris board and I think it's such fun. You can now click through the pictures, and immediately see where to find my favorite spots on the map.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone xx

Tomat's: 12 Rue Jacob, 75006 Paris, Tel: 01 44 07 36 58 
Ladurée Bonaparte, 21 Rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris, Tel: 01 44 07 64 87


  1. Maitai, I LOVE this outfit. Divine x

  2. Your new collars are really nice but all my coats have big collars aready. I still love this beige one with leather pickets....
    The Birkin so nice is heavy for my neck, i have been operated of the cervicales but all your black ensemble and coat are exactly what I li,e to wear.
    It's true that we can wear these collars on pullovers I have to think about.
    As i has an operation of the cervicales my Birkins are heavy now... It's really a pity it's so chic. Chanell is lighter sometimes.
    Rue jacob is such a nice street as well as all the area..
    St Germain remains your preffered part in Paris like me.
    What a goid idea this map... Thanks.

    1. Awh so sorry re your neck problem, my dear Monica. Birkins can get heavy, particularly since their size allows us to put so much into it too! Happy you like the map... it was no surprise to see that most flags landed in the sixième! Amities

  3. I love rue de Bucci....

  4. How I love meandering with you through the streets of Paris! So many things to love about this post! The pics, the prose, the very cool and clever Paris much fun! Then there is your beautiful picture and outfit as you are coming down the staircase. Dear friend,this is the most elegant pic to date...stunning! I am over the moon about the mink collars and have already ordered:-) Let me know when you decide to add a mahogany brown! Love them...congrats on yet another,sure to be a success,addition to the collection! You go girl;-) Celebration hugs and toast all around, T xx

    1. Oh my dearest Trudye, how I love meandering with you! Thank you so much for the wonderful good spirit and energy you bring, reading your comment put a spring into my step <3 So happy you like the new additions, and hope your package will be with you soon. Chin chin, and happy friendship hugs to you xx

  5. You were wearing a pretty coat! What brand is it?

    1. Thank you Yolanda! I’ve been asked this before, and so I’ll just copy out my reply from some time back: “For those who asked about the coat, I bought it last winter in a small boutique in Montpellier. It looks très 'Gerard Darel' to me too, but it does not not have a label (apart from the shop's own label, which is 'Stephan's')”

    2. I thought it might be Gérard Darel because it is the same style! I asked it because I started following your blog not so long ago, so I hadn't noticed it yet.
      P.S: I enjoy reading your blog very much! :)

    3. Many thought the same, dear Yolanda! A belated warm welcome to my blog, hope you'll enjoy the future posts and updates too :-)

  6. Ohoh I asked already many times about this very very pretty coat. I like it so much!
    Yolanda I doubt that you receive the answer oif our dear MT,!

    1. I answered the question already on previous posts :-)

  7. You look tres chic! And that shop! Magnifique!

    1. Thank you, dear Greta. So nice to know you enjoyed the pictures!

  8. It is with a great pleasure that I join dear Trudye and "meander through" la Rive Gauche with you both, my dearest MaiTai.
    Using your own words, this post is a "gem and a jewel": so well written, the photographs so well chosen and you look stunning walking down those pretty stairs...
    I do like the first picture with the Parisian buildings reflected on the water.You are (also) very good at photography <3
    What a great and very useful feature Pinterest has now. It is fantastic to be able to locate the different stores.
    Love the mink collars! They are very pretty! Congratulations, my dear.
    Hope they won´t sold out very quickly.
    Wishing you a lovely week ahead. Silky hugs, M xx

    1. Sorry, I wrote to quickly. I meant "Hope they won´t be sold out very quickly". xx

    2. Oh how lucky I am to have such great company, my dearest Manuela! The fun we'd have!! Your lovely and sweet compliments made my day... to know that we love and appreciate so many things in common makes sharing extra special and fun. Have a wonderful weekend ahead!

    3. Thank you for your very kind words. They touched me. A wonderful weekend to you too, my dearest MaiTai xx

  9. J adore la premiere photo tellement belle et romantique. Comme toutes less personnes avant moi je trouve votre manteau magnifique dans le style de votre robe darel .Très belle idée que la carte pinterest Quelle difference entre le col 2012 et 2013 ?En se moment il rechauffe bien mon cou avec les gels du matin .
    Je vous souhaite une belle fin de semaine.
    Bises MYRIAM

    1. Ma question n en est plus une je suis allée lire la description des nouveaux cols Bises .MYRIAM

    2. A Paris, même de flaques sont belles! Je trouve Pinterest vraiment chouette, et la nouvelle fonction le rend encore plus merveilleux. Une belle fin de la semaine à vous, chère Myriam! Bises

  10. An extra special post, dearest MaiTai - such intimate beauty, one of my favorites! May I join dear Manuela and dear Trudye in sending a huge cheer and expressing my admiration for a most gorgeous photo of you walking down the staircase - and many compliments to the photographer! Love the new fun Pinterest feature, and a big congratulations on your ultra fabulous new Mink collars, so magnificently luxurious! Sending you much love and big December hugs xox

    1. Oh so happy you enjoyed the post, my dearest Scarf Enthusiast! The photographer says hello and thank you. Hope you are enjoying a beautiful festive seaon, and sending much love and grands bisous right back xx

  11. Dear MaiTai,

    Your sunglasses are so quietly glamorous! Are they brown or black? May I please ask who is the maker and what is the model name / style #? Thank you.

    Like you, I have fair complexion. I feel sometimes-black can be too harsh especially right next to my face. Rich browns seem to be softer but I feel more confident investing in black pieces. I would appreciate your opinion regarding this matter as you too seem to prefer black. Thank you again.


    1. Dear Laura, the glasses are dark brown and by Chanel. Not sure what the model # is, but these are the references written on the inner left temple: 5170 c.714/3B 58☐17 135 2N
      I like both black and brown sunglasses. Brown lenses warm up and intensify the colors of the environment, which is particularly wonderful in fall :-) Hope this helps, good luck!

  12. Dearest MaiTai,

    I'm a little late to this party, but just thought to mention to you, what I LOVE about your newest work of fur-art: mink scarf collar.

    This little gem can add an instant collar, to a collarless sweater, jacket or coat (as you've modeled, in person--fabulous!). The shape and subtle 'points' of the mink scarf collar allow this, and it's a brilliant design.

    What I appreciate so much about your styling of clothing/accessories, is the total restraint and sophistication...and wisdom...of using what you have lovingly selected, in multiple ways. You really demonstrate the concept of 'less is more'. More more more pow'r to you!

    What a refreshing delight to stop by here and see your clever, lovely art work...w/out a spec of excess that riddles most other sites.

    Thank you!

    sammie (sac-a-main)

  13. Oh my dear sammie, it is such a wonderful surprise and joy to see you here! So happy you like the new addition, and I really need to take a few more pictures to demonstrate the 'ways to wear it' you mentioned! Thank you also for the lovely compliments. It is always a thrill to find new looks for much loved pieces. Hope you are enjoying a most happy and wonderful holiday season! xox
