
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Capsule wardrobe #138 - summer blues

The recent days have been fresh and warm but not hot, thanks to daily rainfalls in the late afternoon. It's a rare summer treat to put on a light scarf for warmth, at least during the daytime.

A rectangular fold is a great way to showcase scarves with solid colored borders.. when placing the scarf ring or knot where the border ends, it results in a great contrast and instant necklace effect.

Knotting wise, a PM mousseline can be tied in the same ways as a regular 90 carré, but since the mousse's silk is lighter and has less volume, you need to choose your scarf ring one size down. 

Capsule wardrobe pieces: white jeans with a 3/4 sleeve t-shirt and long cascade wrap by Kettlewell Colours
Accessories: Hermès 'Aau coeur de la vie' Mousseline PM and clic-clac H enamel bracelet in bleu indiens
Shoes: turquoise Espadrille wedges (Castaner)
Scarf tying method: pleat your mousseline into a rectangular strip, place around your neck and secure the ends in a basic slide

Variation: Asymmetrical wrap 

I'll be away for a few days, looking forward to catching up with you a couple of days later than usual xx

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  1. Mouseline are so perfect for summer, beautiful colours and wonderful first picture.

  2. Such a lovely outfit. I love the color! I have the same clic-clac, one of my all time faves! Have a good weekend.

  3. Dear MaiTai,

    I do love these blue colours on you , and this mousseline is lovely and I also loved the previous post with the 140 mousseline and those fab new earings.

    Enjoy your few days away, look forward to maybe hearing and seeing through your camera lense about your trip.
    Best Jane x

  4. Liebe Mai Tai, ich habe deinen Blog vor 10 Tagen entdeckt und es ist eine Sucht für mich geworden :-)). Ich bin begeistert von deinem Geschmack und Kreativität. Ich warte sehnsüchtig auf die neuen Beiträge und in der Zwischenzeit lese ich die Alten. Deine Begeisterung für Hermes ist ansteckend. Ich trage jetzt fast täglich Tücher, die sonst im Schrank verborgen lagen. Vor über einem Jahr habe ich mir einen Hermes Tuchring gekauft, der die ganze Zeit noch original verpackt im Schrank lag! Ich wusste nicht wie ich ihm einsetzen kann. Durch dich weiß ich es :-)).
    Ich wünsche Dir weiter so viel Begeisterung und Ideen. Viele lieben Grüße. Violcio

  5. Dearest Mai Tai,

    Beautiful Summer blues! Perfect on you! :-)
    Thank you for the great sugestion on how to wear the mousselines. I will experiment it myself.
    Your new espradillas are so cool! Love their colour. <3
    Wishing a wonderful time away and sending you the warmest hugs, Manuela

  6. love the frothy white edge of the scarf in contrast when tied.

  7. I love blue on sparkling blonds....and this Au coeur de la Vie mousseline is beautiful. Congrats.
    Amitiés pluvieuses,

  8. Well, you looked wonderful in the warm colors of a few days ago, but you look stunning in these blues, too.

    You're had a very cooling effect this morning, and you look so fresh and crisp. I'm wilting here in the middle of an Atlanta July, and I know that a scarf, even an airy mousseline, won't go around my neck until mid-October.

    So, please keep the inspiration coming, and I'll live vicariously.

    Have a great trip,

  9. The rectangular fold/necklace is the perfect solution! I have a beautiful scarf that is an old map of France, but I've never been quite sure what to do with the wide white border. You've expanded my wardrobe once again by inventing new ways to wear old favorites. Many thanks!

  10. Lovely blue hues on you MaiTai... it makes a nice, light summer look. Also love the way you used the solid color border, its quite pretty that way. Enjoy your time off. :-)

  11. Bonsoir Mai Tai,
    J'adore ce bleu et il vous va super bien, c'est très lumineux sur vous.
    Très bon week-end et à bientôt pour de nouvelles images toujours plus jolies et estivales.
    Anne Marie

  12. The blues never looked so good,dear friend! This palette really makes your eyes sparkle and skin pretty on you! I am in the camp with Jerrine,as to the heat and humidity,but love seeing your skills to inspire me for cooler weather...perhaps November;-) Have a wonderful holiday away and look forward to your return! Chin chin to summertime fun, T xx

  13. Dearest MaiTai,

    How cool and fresh you look in this pretty blue. We cannot think about wearing a scarf around our necks here in North Carolina, it has been so hot and humid. But, I do enjoy seeing your lovely photos. Have a wonderful time away and can't wait to see you again! :-)

    Warmly, Simone xx

  14. I have to agree with the previous comments: the colours really look stunning on you! Oh, I forgot to mention that your new earrings (shown in your last post) are really beautiful! You chose them very well! I hope you'll have happy days (perhaps in family?) - best wishes Claudia

  15. Love those colors on you, dear! The white cloud like edge of the mousseline is divine. Nothing says summer like a pair of colorful espadrilles - love the color of yours.

    Orange hugs,

  16. Hello, MaiTai from Scotland. I have just discovered your wonderful blog, and what a treat it is! I am an avid scarf wearer and received my very first Hermes from my Mother when I was 19 (I'm 45 now). She took me to Harrods to buy me one just before she passed away 'for her grown up girl', so there is much emotional attachment for me. I adore wearing Twilly's too at the moment - they are so addictive to collect!

    Warmest Wishes,

    Marie x

    1. Dear Marie, nice to have you as a new member of MaiTai's fans! I'm from germany and I'm 46 (so we are quiet the same age...). When I read about your experiance you made getting your first Hermés it gives me the creeps. How sad and emotional! I hope you will accompany us from now on, so you will always have sisters on your side! Best wishes Claudia

  17. Beautiful Coeur de la Vie mousseline, perfect for the mediterranean climate!

  18. What a most lovely, fresh summery post, dearest MaiTai! You are a master of bringing together the special pieces to make it all happen - and your exquisite mousseline is transformed into a beautiful silk jewel in your magical hands. Hope you are having a wonderful time away, dear MaiTai. Much love and big friendship hugs xxx

  19. You look stunning! The blue suits you so well and has such a summery, fresh feeling to it.
