
Sunday, October 2, 2022

Is there anybody out there?


It has been a long time since I blogged last, and in recent weeks I've been asked by some if I'll resume posting.

I think it really depends on whether the blog format is still relevant to some of you, or if social media has made it obsolete. After nearly fifteen years of blogging, I felt increasingly as if I was talking to myself in an empty room … the lovely interaction of the early years has steadily gone down to nearly zero in recent times.

I thought I'd let you decide if we continue or not. Tell me in the comments below if you still enjoy the blog or if you think that Instagram has it all covered. You don't have to write a novel, a very short sentence will do.

So.. not to come empty-handed today; below is a picture summary of the past four or five months, which in short, can be described as a very happy, albeit hot summer.

Hope you are all well and have a beautiful fall season and autumn! 


Al fresco joys

Apple pie - scroll down to the end for the recipe 

Playing with a green, pink and blue color scheme, combining old and new. I've had the green Italian ceramic plate (Fasano Ceramiche) for more than 30 years, and I love how beautifully it goes with my "Mythical Creatures" china by Kit Kemp for Wedgwood.


A simple Tomata/Mozarella dish with a mix of fresh, oven-roasted and sun-dried tomatoes.

Decoration project passage

Before and after:

A weekend at the beach at the dog-friendly Palace Plage (run by the Costes brothers)

Roley enjoying the room

One of my late summer favorites: stuffed tomatoes, courgettes and peppers

Garden terrace at the Pigonnet hotel in Aix-en-Provence

Dogs are also welcome here!

My grandmother's dressing table chair in a new look (fabric by Lewis and Wood)

The wallpaper in our bedroom is by the same artist (Melissa White), this time for Kit Kemp

My appliqué flower project - work in progress

Dressing room 

Clockwise from top left: Salsify picture by me, before, Casamance metallic textured wallpaper and with Jim Thompson fabric.

Bloody Marys on a Sunday 

Roasted figs (scroll down for the recipe)

Working on a new fabric collection for my inserts

Summer evening dinner for two

Apple Pie
5 large cooking apples, peeled and cut into quarters and then slices
2 eggs
250g sugar (8.8oz)
100g soft (almost runny) butter (3.5oz)
125ml milk (4.2 fluid oz)
150g flour (5.3oz)
1tsp cinnamon
2tsp baking powder
vanilla essence (optional)
Combine the egg and sugar and beat until light and fluffy. Mix in the butter, then add the milk (add the vanilla at this point, if wanted). 
Combine the flour with the baking powder and cinnamon and fold gently into the egg/sugar mixture. Then add the sliced apples and gently fold in until evenly distributed.
Line a baking dish with parchment, fill in the mixture and bake for 45-50min at 180 celcius. Take out of the oven and leave to cool. Gently peel the parchment off the pie's sides. Transfer it with a cake lifter (or a large spatula) onto a serving dish. Dust with icing sugar once completely cooled off.

Roasted figs
Cut figs in half and place on a baking tray lined with parchment.
Place a thinly sliced goats cheese on top of each fig.
Spread a small amount of honey across the center of the cheese and place half a walnut on top.
Place under a preheated grill until the cheese turns runny and golden. 
For a vegan version: leave out the goat cheese

Kit Kemp Mythical Creatures china here
Kit Kemp's Mythical Creatures via Wedgwood here
Fasano Ceramiche on Instagram here

Emily's Garden wallpaper by Melissa White here
Tall Tree wallpaper by Kit Kemp here
Platinium by Casamance here

Iliad by Lewis and Wood here

Plage Palace (Palavas-les-Flots) here
Le Pigonnet (Aix-en-Provence) here


  1. Hallo, ich habe hier immer SEHR gerne gelesen, als du immer neue Knoten gezeigt hast. Viele Grüße, Ingrid

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Ingrid! Ich hoffe, dass mir noch ein paar Knoten einfallen werden :)

    2. I LOVE your blog and appreciate the format. Please continually with it if possible. Thank you, Helene

  2. My dear Maitai, I'm so happy to get a new post from you! I missed it so much! In the meantime I've been reading the old posts again and again for getting new (old) inspiration and (more important) inner peace. Your pictures show so much joy and warmth. I also miss the exchange we had in our swan lake. That's why I would be so happy if you would continue blogging! Instagram can't come close to replacing your beautiful posts! Alles Liebe Claudia

    1. I would like to add that this time I did not receive any notification of the new post by e-mail... Not that this will influence the result of the vote... Liebe Grüße von Claudia

    2. Dear Claudia, - thank you so much for the lovely words! I always appreciated your comments, you are one of the OG swans! 😎 🦢I hope we'll have many more years of exchanges and fun. Viele liebe Grüsse, Taina

    3. I tried to send email notifications, but it wouldn't work. It turns out that Google stopped the service, although the RSS site looked the same as usual. I'm working on another solution!

  3. I prefer blogs. I don't use instagram. Thanks for the recipes--I will definitely try the roasted figs. I still use your macaron recipe.

    1. So thrilled to know that you love using the macaron recipe, and hope you enjoy the figs too (so quickly made, and such a good result!). Also love that you prefer blogs!

  4. Yes, I am out here. Thank you for the time and effort your have put into this blog over the years and I so hope you will continue! It is truly a delight to read your culinary, entertaining, decor, and fashion posts as well as view the lovely photography. I also enjoy your posts that chronicle your travel throughout France and wherever else your excursions take you. Instagram is nice, but it does not compare to this blog.

    Kind regards,

    1. Dear Nancy, - thank you so much for the lovely and warm words! I am overjoyed, this means so much to me 🙏🏻 Here's to many more years of blogging 🥂

  5. I prefer blogs. My Instagram feed is so long I get bored sifting through nonsense before I get to the good bits. I follow you on Instagram but I rarely see your posts pop up.

    1. So happy to know that you prefer blogs! I only post about once a week on Instagram, which is probably why the algorythms don't favor my posts in your feed. The algos do take reactions into account though, if you like or comment on my posts, they will move up in your feed ⤴️

  6. don't use instagram, love your blog

    1. So happy that you love my blog, thanks so much!

  7. I was a late comer to your blog; 5 years ago maybe? I enjoy seeing the images from your corner of the world, but the stories behind the photos are just as important. I don't like IG. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us readers.

    1. Five years would be a very long time for most on social media ... this blog seems absolutely ancient in that context 😉 So happy to know that you enjoy the story format of a blog, this is the part that I love most about it too! Warm wishes from France! 🇫🇷

  8. Hi. I have always loved to read a good blog and yours was one of the best. I miss it and would love to read it if you continued blogging. Marie

    1. Dear Marie, - your lovely words made my day, thank you so much for your kindness. Here's to many more blogs to come!

  9. sei stata fonte di ispirazione per tutto questo tempo...non ci lasciare . adoro carrè hermes

  10. I’ve enjoyed your blog for many years! Instagram doesn’t offer the chance for narrative, which your blog often does.
    I miss your wardrobe collection posts as you used to have, which I looked for to inspire me;) The addition of interior design and your travel has always been a joy too.

    1. It is so lovely to meet you all, I'm so glad to have asked the question! I'm also so happy to know that you enjoy my newer interests in addition to the earlier posts. Thank you so much for your kindness!

  11. I also prefer your blog and look for it every day!

    1. Thanks so much! I am so glad that I updated, and will never just let the ends hang loose in the future!

  12. Hi, I follow your blog for more than 10 years now and once in a week I check in for an update! I miss your inspiration, your pictures and the nice way you express yourself. Thanks for brighten many days with your blog. Love from the Netherlands

    1. You are an OG! 😎 I could not be happier to know that the blog means something to you, you have brightened my day, too! Thanks so much for this 🙏🏻 With love from France 🇫🇷

  13. Still here also! Instagram isn't as good to tell a story as a blog. I loved your travel posts - you inspired me to go to the Bauer Hotel for our honeymoon (and now I'm looking at going back for our 10th anniversary, where does time go!). Your scarf posts are very much to blame for my collecting scarves! All that to say I enjoyed seeing your name pop up in my rss feed aggregator today!

    1. So excited that you went for the Bauer for your honeymoon and congrats on your upcoming 10th anniversary! I went for my 50th birthday in 2013 ... so next year will be another big one. Where does time go indeed! Have a wonderful anniversary 🥂

  14. Oui s'il vous plaît continuez votre blog. Je ne pourrais pas mieux dire que ce qui a été écrit ci-dessus. Merci pour le travail que vous faites pour notre "plaisir des yeux". Je n'ai pas non plus reçu de notification par mail - quelle chance d'avoir checké moi-même votre blog aujourd'hui. All the best to you and your loved ones.

    1. Je vous remercie pour votre gentil mots, quelle bonheur de les lire! Les notifications reviendront dés que j'ai trouvé un solution (Google a supprimé le service). Amicalement, Taïna

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I love your blog. It’s always so inspirational. And I missed it, checking back daily to look for an update. But I also know how much work it is to update. So completely understand why you find it lonely. But thank you for another beautiful and inspiring post.

    1. Thanks so much Hilde for your kind and uplifting words! With so many wonderful comments the feeling of talking just to myself has completely evaporated. I am so touched that you kept on checking on my blog, it makes me wish that I re-started it earlier!

  17. I really hope you continue to blog , I wasn’t a regular commenter but always read and enjoyed your blog . Especially now that social media has overtaken many interesting bloggers with an influx of fast consuming influencers, we all need your gracious and informative blog!
    Love it all , especially lifestyle , Hermès and recipes . I live in South of France during Summer and definitely shall be making some of the recent recipes next year, we have a vegetable garden and a fig tree..
    I continue to wear and buy Hermès , though the latter rather less than in the early days of finding your blog .Like many I was amazed how a scarf could elevate an outfit without looking too formal , so huge thanks for that.
    I shall comment in future , and I’m sure all your other readers will chime in to insist you carry on the blog
    S xxx

    1. My dear S, - thanks so much for the wonderful comment and for sharing your thoughts! It is true that many blogs have disappeared in recent years, therefore I am all the more grateful that you still enjoy mine. A vegetable garden and fig tree in your French home sounds paradise, hope you enjoy the recipes! Looking very much forward to finding you by the swan lake in future posts xxx

    2. Please BOLG … I love the
      the beauty you bring to our world

  18. I love reading your blog. I use the Feedly app so I can read my favorite blogs. On Instagram I may never see your post and would have to search for it. Blogs take a lot of work but I think it is worth it.

    1. Thanks so much! I never heard of Feedly, but so glad it works. Google stopped their RSS service apparently, but I think I found another solution. Fingers crossed!

  19. Love your blog! You have been missed. I do not use any social media. Your blog has been a great inspiration. It is always a pleasure to see your posts. I often go back to some of the older ones as well. Please keep it up.


    1. My dear Angela, - your kind words made my day, thank you so much! I love that you like some of the older posts as well, mille merci 🙏🏻

  20. Your blog is irreplaceable. I have never been to the south of France, nor do I own any Hermes, but watching you live your life and cultivate your style has been a Godsend. On a more philosophical note, I don't think the limited scope of Instagram can ever replace the creative liberty that blogging offers a content creator. Please do continue writing.


    1. Dear Brooklyn, - I loved your comment, how special to know that the posts communicate beyond their subject related content. Your observation regarding blogs vs IG is spot on, and I'll happily carry on! Warmest wishes from France!

  21. Let me be the first to say that I have been a big fan of your sumptuous blog for many years. I spent many of my happiest years in France and when a new blog posting of yours arrives I have a mini holiday, not to mention a thrilling boost in inspiration.
    Your attention to detail is mesmerizing and I love how nature is tied to all that you create.
    I live on the other side of the planet (Canada’s West Coast) and your talent and creativity give me a boost all year long (especially when it is cold). Thank you for the sublime photography and for providing the material to dream a little.
    Please accept my vote for yes, please continue! Your blog is a masterpiece!
    Thank you for all of these years of happy reading!
    Very best wishes,
    Carolyn in Canada

    1. Dearest Carolyn, - your lovely and kind words warmed my heart, thank you so much! I am so happy to meet you, and to know that you've enjoyed the blog for many years. I'm glad to have come back just in time for the colder season in Canada, and hope the coming posts will send some southern French sunshine to your home! Your vote is important, and I do hope to see you again in the comments of future posts. Warmest wishes from France, Tai

  22. Well I for one would love for you to continue blogging , but feel guilty that I didn’t comment very much , especially since when I did you always took the time to reply so kindly .
    I loved the mix of lifestyle, Hermès and recipes and would still be interested in all three, we now spend almost half the year in South of France and some of the savoury recipes you just wrote about are also favourites here and a great way to use fresh produce from the garden .
    I still make the carrot and sweet potato soup you shared with us years ago!
    As for Hermès , it’s still an interest and I always loved seeing your scarf choices and how you wear them. You were the original ‘influencer ‘ although the word has such different connotations now with social media.

    I’m sure many others will chime in

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! Please don't feel guilty in the slightest, I completely understand. Sometimes we just want to enjoy quietly, without feeling the need to engage. So thrilled that you still enjoy making the carrot and sweet potato soup, and now is the perfect season for it 🍁🍂 Will try and post more recipes in the future, and I'm also thinking of starting scarf-tying and cooking workshops in the near future. Maybe something you'd might want to join when in France!

  23. I personally enjoy the blog very much. I don't think, however, that the question should be whether we, as readers, enjoy reading your blog versus looking at similar - albeit shorter - content on your instagram account. I think the question should be whether you, as the author, still enjoy writing in blog format on a regular basis. It's been a long pandemic, and many people are re-evaluating their habits - figuring out whether old habits, however beloved, still fit into their lives or whether they would prefer to try something new.

    Lookin at the comment records on this blog, going from 2009 to present, each blog generally gets between 5 and 25 comments. That trend has not changed dramatically between the 2009 content and the 2022 content. The big trend difference, over those same years, is in the frequency of author postings. Therefore, I would urge you, as a thoughtful author who puts a lot of time and energy into content creation, to consider whether long form blogging is something that you still enjoy doing. We're happy to read your content however you choose to present it. We'd rather, however, that you be a happy author rather than one who feels obliged to write because people are waiting. :)

    1. Thank you very much for your kind and thoughtful comment. It is true that the pandemic changed habits and perspectives. Like so many others, I turned my attention to decorating, cooking and creative projects, which I've become even more passionate about in return. Now that things have gone back to normal, entertaining has been a big part of this summer and I absolutely loved it.

      As for blogging, I kept to the "once a month" format (with rare exceptions) since about five years. In the haydays of the blog (before IG took off) the comment section was incredibly lively .. chats were going back and forth with dozens of entries, sometimes more than a hundred. It is completely understandable that with IG's sharing platform the conversations moved there over time, and I love to follow everyone's accounts and to engage when time allows. It is only natural that the blog has had less engagement as a result, but since my last post in May had literally just one comment I was wondering if anyone actually still reads/enjoys it. Given how much time and energy it takes to create a post, I think that my question was justified and I am overjoyed by the everyone's comments ... they make it all worth it for me in the end. I do think you are right that I should consider shorter posts here and there, and perhaps a mix is the answer. Thank you very much again for sharing your thoughts and suggestions!

  24. Please continue! Your blog is inspirational and positive!

  25. Dear Maitai, it is a huge gift that you give us with your photos and all your suggestions whether they are in terms of clothing (Hermés !!) decoration, cooking, I admire all this perhaps a little selfishly, without telling you about the pleasure and the inspirations it gives me, but given the work it represents for you, know that in the future I will not fail to exchange regularly on your blog. A big thank you for having resumed your publications (I do not use Insta or FB) and thank you also for having answered my email asking you about the shutdown of the blog. Congratulations and long live

    1. Thank you so much for the lovely comment. Your email was one of those that prompted me to write this post, so thanks so much for this! I am overwhelmed with joy that the room turns out to be not empty, but filled with lovely ladies such as yourself and many others. This brings the fun back for me, and I do look forward to continue blogging. Looking forward to seeing you again soon!

  26. I love your blogs

  27. I love your blog and have followed it for many years. As I don't use social media I would truly miss you if you stopped blogging.

    1. I am so happy that you enjoy the blog, and it is so great to know that it still has its place. Merci!

  28. Please continue - I also don't use social media and love your blog - it's uplifting and inspirational.

    1. How coulf I not, with such lovely comments! Thank you so much for the uplift 🙏🏻

  29. I enjoy your blog very much and am looking forward to trying the apple pie recipe! I don't use Instagram; I much prefer reading posts in blog format/

    1. Thank you very much, Cynthia, so happy to know 🙏🏻 Have fun with the apple pie recipe, it's perfect for the season! 🍁🍂

  30. Oh please continue... I love reading your blog and I’m sorry that I never commented as much as I should... your posts are always so uplifting and full of inspiration xx

    1. You lovely ladies have thoroughly convinced me! Hope to see you again in future post's chats!

  31. Another vote from the California Central Coast to please continue! I especially appreciate the posts about Hermes scarves, but I do enjoy all of your posts. I wear the mother of pearl and enamel/metal scarf rings I bought from you all the time. I think you are a terrific photographer, and I particularly love your gorgeous nature shots. I enjoy my vicarious visits to France through your blog. By the way, I also didn't get email notification of this post.

  32. Also, I don't do Instagram or Twitter or any other of those social media sites.

  33. Dear Taina,
    so nice to see you blogging again. I love your blog posts! You've been highly missed (I kept checking if there was anything new on your blog...)
    Hope to see more of you here!
    Take care and have a very HAPPY October!
    Claudia xo :-)

  34. Yes for your blog ! I missed it so much ! No comparaison with Instagram or any social media.
    Thank you for asking us this question.

  35. I hope you continue, but know that it is time consuming!

  36. Dear Maitai,

    So very sorry to hear you are questioning people’s interest in your blog or format. Please know that your blog is a great source of inspiration for me. Not only is it beautiful and graceful as you are but it also “reconciles” me with my country of origin: my view of it could be pessimistic in the past. I should have posted more comments but I don’t think I have ever missed a post!
    I was on my first holiday back in France from Australia in 3 years and came back a week ago. Among other things, I travelled through the south of France and ended up sleeping in the beautiful Chateau d’Arpaillargues in your neck of the woods near Uzes and thought of you.
    I will echo a lot of the commenters above and encourage you to keep the blog as opposed to Instagram (for all the same reasons cited). I am also not very techy: I do have an Instagram account somewhere but I have lost the remote.
    A commenter suggested to perhaps post shorter billets to lighten the workload and thought it to be a good idea.
    Thank you for thinking of us and should you elect to do so, excellente continuation!
    French Bea from Sydney

  37. I've missed you and have been checking every week for new posts from you these past few months. Your posts are informative and fun. Please continue blogging. Thanks. Vanessa

  38. I enjoy your blog and check for updates at least once per week. Thank you.

  39. Oh yes I very much still enjoy blogs

  40. Hello. I’ve been a reader of your blog for many years too and periodically will check in to see if there are any new posts. Very much prefer the blog than Instagram and hope you continue writing. Thanks

  41. I don’t like Instagram and
    never look at it. I miss your posts. The header says Anonymous, but I’m SewLibrarian, and I’ve been reading your blog for years.

  42. I absolutely love your blog! Read and reread your posts continuously, again and again, anxiously waiting for the new ones. Don’t care for Instagram at all, as it is like a fast food info consumption without much substance. Blogging is an art, and you are brilliant at it! Please continue! Your persona, your style, your elegance gets me inspired day after day! Your recommendations on some charming places and restaurants were so greatly appreciated on my last trip to France. I’ve also just immersed myself into the world of scarves and find it endlessly entertaining. Please don’t stop blogging 🙏🏻. Love from Texas ❤️.

  43. As with all the other commenters (who have been so eloquent) - big fan of what you do and how you do it. I have missed your postings and checked in periodically while you’ve been away (in addition to Instagram follow). If you are still up for blogging, you have a receptive audience! All the best - Kristen

  44. Don’t use Insta, love your blog 💖

  45. I enjoy your blog tremendously, I check your blog to see your recommendation and hopefully can visit those places when I can travel again. So the upcoming Paris trip in November, I will definitely checking out your recommendation like Train Bleu. Please keep writing these wonderful blog. xxxx

  46. I LOVE the blog and have really missed it. And a recipe - yeah! - Tanja

  47. Another yes for continuing your blog. If you still enjoy it I hope you will keep it going.

  48. I am so glad that I posted, I truly had no idea that the blog was missed. Thanks so much for your kind words!

  49. Love the blog as it comes to my email which I find is much easier to actually view and see you as opposed to Instagram! I love the long, winding posts which seem to suit your lifestyle and the content so well. Please keep it going! Thank you!

  50. Hallo Maitai, auf deinen Blog habe ich immer gern und regelmäßig wegen der vielen tollen Anregungen zum Tragen und Binden von Tüchern geschaut, auch dann noch, als ich die Scarf App hatte. Und ich hoffe immer noch auf eine Anleitung für den Triple Knot 😀😉 Gruß aus Deutschland 👋

  51. I love your blog and always happily move here, when I get the notification. Such an source of inspiration: delicious recipes, capsule wardrobe inspirations and that little bit of H we all love ❤️
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  52. Tres heureuse de lire votre nouveau post . Je trouve que le format blog n’est pas du tout obsolète. J’essaye que vous continuerez!

  53. I have missed your blog! It’s not remotely close to my life which is why I love it.

  54. Bonjour , j’apprécie beaucoup vos articles et j’espère de tout cœur que vous continuerez. Merci !!!

  55. Yes I enjoy the blog and I'm going to make your apple pie it looks delicious x

  56. Please continue your blog. You have good taste for beautiful things. Thank

  57. I love your blog and I think I have read most of your posts. You were the person who “introduced” me to Hermès scarves and inspired me to buy one. Now I have 40! Your photos and posts about your lifestyle fill me with envy, but are also up.if ting to someone who is bedridden with a chronic illness. I occasionally look at Instagram but, for some reason, haven’t seen your posts. Please keep your blog. Best wishes, Anne 💕💗💖💗💕

  58. Thank you for your blog - it brings joy. When Covid hit, it was such an escape to receive your blogs or review past ones. I love your sense of style, have purchased a few things from you over the years and appreciate all the work that goes into chronicling your life, style and travels. Please keep it going!

  59. Dear Mai Tai, please continue. And tell us about what you are wearing. Plus, it looks as if you have been redecorating the entire home. How long has this activity been taking, especially with all the delays around Covid? I have always enjoyed your posts and have even read them from start to finish twice, going back through the years. Always a delight. Please continue to spread joy! -Carolyn

  60. I truly enjoy all your media content but especially the blog format. It feels more personal and informative. Thank you for all our postings! LCF

  61. I do miss your blogs. I followed them in London, then Melbourne, Australia and now in Lucca, Italy. Please start doing them again!

  62. I greatly enjoy your blog posts both now and past. I do use Facebook and Instagram but the number of adverts, not to mention the algorithm, are spoiling the experience. Please do continue with your blogging.

  63. Please continue if you are able! What a joy to see your email!! I’ve missed you! I enjoy IG, but this is a wonderful, personal experience. Thank you so much❤️

  64. Hello from London! I always enjoyed reading your blog and would love you to continue if you have the time to write it. Instagram is so “quick, quick, scroll, scroll, next thing, next thing”, whereas a blog can be read properly and savoured.

  65. If you can, please keep blogging! I prefer your longer form pieces and all of your photos and information. You have a fabulous eye and an immense talent and your posts are missed! 💖💖💖

  66. Yes yes & yes please keep your blog( and not instagram please) I do enjoy reading & get inspiration from your good taste for everything!!! THANK YOU!!!

  67. Please keep blogging. A blog is a treat like reading a magazine at the hairdresser. Instagram is good but you're at the mercy of their annoying algorithms and quite often have to hunt for posts if you have even a medium list of people to follow so often miss items.

  68. Check out Midlife chic if you don't already she blogs and Instagram's and I think has a really good approach and mix

  69. Dear Taina,
    I am so thrilled to receive a new blog post, since I have been following your ever so delightful „Picture Book“ for ten years now.
    Your lovely ideas on Hermes, scarf knots, delicious recipes and finally your fantastic taste concerning decorations are just amazing.
    As I am not using any social media I would miss something having become very precious to me…
    Many thanks and all my best wishes
    Barbara from Germany

  70. I missed you! The style, the class, the education through the pictures..please don't abandon those who still enjoy reading, not just browsing the pictures!

  71. I have missed your beautiful blog and thought of you often as I carried one of your lovely black and straw bags all summer in Maine.
    Here’s to your return!

  72. Please come back! Have missed your beautiful blog and its inspiration. Thought of you often as I carried your beautiful black and straw bag all summer in Maine and received so many compliments! Hope to “read” you again soon!

  73. Hi, I enjoy your blog and your Instagram posts. Scrolling through Instagram can seem a little frantic. The blog is in its own space - separate and calm. But do whatever suits you best, and feels right. Best wishes xx

  74. Please continue your blog! I love your beautiful photos and your lovely sense of style.

  75. Yes, please keep blogging!

  76. Love the blog! I prefer the content to social media. Guilty of just reading and never commenting, i apologize for the lack of feedback. But please do continue! Absolutely love your blog posts💙

  77. Dear MaiTai, I have missed your blog posts! They were always a welcome site in my inbox. While all of your photos are fantastic, I particularly love seeing images of you wearing your beautiful scarves, H accessories and bags, as well as your wardrobe capsule posts. Your style is absolutely inspiring!

  78. My guess is the pandemic caused everyone to shut down. After all, this started as a blog about scarves and since we weren't going any where it was hard to be say much when you didn't know how long before you could go out some place and where your scarves! I'm old school and like the longer format of a blog - seems more intimate.

  79. Dear Maitai, I have truly missed your blog and I was guessing that there might some changes in your private life that would prevent you from further publishing. For me, you posts have been a true inspiration. I love your pictures, your Gespuer for colours, shapes, and texutures. I admit I am true fan and would truly hope you will continue. Much warmly Anna K., Berlin

  80. Love your photos! I look forward to them. Perhaps the appeal isn't there for the younger generation, but I love your decor and fashion ideas.

  81. I too, hope you will continue blogging! I don’t use social media at all, but your blog is a favorite! I especially love your scarf posts and recipes! I don’t comment much but I frequently check in to read both new and old articles. I have been wondering these past few months if you had gone away from writing, and hope you will not…your posts bring such elegant joy!

  82. I’m still here, and was delighted to finally see a new post in my inbox. I am not on social media and would sorely miss the beauty of your photography, your fashion and design sense, and a vicarious brief transport to France. Please don’t stop the blog. (I’ve also purchased a couple of things.)

  83. Hello I’ve really missed your posts. I had hoped you were just busy. Please continue, I look forward to them, they’re a breath of fresh air and always beautiful and inspiring.

  84. Please continue, you are so inspirational.

  85. Yes please continue. And recipe for stuffed peppers please! Thank you.

  86. ADORE the blog, and appreciate the photos so much more in a non-Insta format!

  87. Hello MaiTai.
    I enjoy your blogs and have missed them.
    I really don't use Instagram much but if the blogs have gotten to be too much of a chore, I understand if you want to do them less frequently or not at all.
    I get many compliments on my scarves and how I tie them, and I always give you the credit for showing us how to be creative in wearing them.
    I love the class and beauty you share with us in a world that needs more class and beauty!
    Sending love from Dallas

  88. Dear Mai Tai, blogs are so much more interesting than Instagram, which is getting more boring by the day, due to the changes recently implemented. So if you can, please continue your ever so beautiful blog, which I have certainly missed!

  89. Dearest Tai, please do continue to post on your blog. It has been my weekly, monthly pleasure to follow you, to buy beautiful things created by you, to be inspired by you.
    Instagram is not the same, though I like it too.
    Your blog is and has always been something very special to me.
    Thank you for this fabulous post, pictures and recipes.
    I do hope you will continue blogging and inspiring us with new ideas.
    In this word full of incertainty and fear, small pleasures mean a lot to me.
    Much love to you, dear friend, Manuela

  90. I prefer your blog. I rarely see a post from you on Instagram.

    I enjoy seeing your lovely pictures and your wardrobe/scarf selections and styling that provide me with inspiration when I look in my closet and am bored with everything inn it.

    The pictures of the dogs are adorable too.

  91. I shy away from social media so I always loved getting one of your emails (blog) filled with gorgeously themed photographs and notations. Nothing rushed. Fresh information instead of screens of clutter that's difficult to make go away. Your taste and restraint are superb.

  92. Dear MaiTai, I appreciate and enjoy your blog. I believe I have followed it for its entirety. Thanks!

  93. I agree with all the comments above (that I took time to read) that your posts are a breath of fresh air. And since I currently reside in north Phoenix, seeing your photos of other beautiful areas around the world is a wonderful experience to add to the majestic scenery I have right outside my door.

  94. I’d so much prefer your delightful blog to Insta which is mostly reels and live - both unsatisfactory. A blog has pace, detail, and considered, curated content. If you have the inclination your lovely posts will be much enjoyed. Beautiful nature, delicious recipes, gorgeous Hermès shares and outfits to show them off, interiors and the Wiener boys! The unforgettable duo. Thank you for all your efforts. They are much appreciated.

  95. I’m so glad you’re posting again, I missed your blog. Classy, elegant, well-written, dreamy photos, great content, just a joy to read. Thank you for the time you put into creating each post.

  96. I have been following your blog for years and enjoy all aspects of it very much. I always appreciate the time and care you take to share so many beautiful thoughts, photos, recipes, and tips with a global audience. I hope you will continue. Cheers

  97. Yes, please keep blogging. I much prefer this style over instagram.

  98. I really enjoy the blog so much more than Instagram. I enjoy the elegant content you provide!

  99. Hello
    I absolutely love reading your posts and getting inspiration from your photographs.
    I don’t do Instagram so I will miss you very much if you decide not to continue.
    Thank you so much for your dedication. You have brightened up a cold and rainy Glasgow!

  100. Hello from the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. I miss the stories of your projects, recipes, travel, wardrobe and Weiners! Your blog is beautiful and inspiring, truly a treat. I make time for it, but not Instagram.

  101. Your blog is something I look forward to. It is deeply artistic and beautiful in every way. Thank you for sharing:)

  102. Please keep the blog! 🙏🤞 It is a breath of fresh air!
    Full of refined taste, attention to detail and quality, artistic approach, inspirational for a relaxed quality living! Thank you for adding colour and flavour to our everyday life!

  103. I love your blog and do hope that you will continue! if it is burdensome for you, perhaps monthly might work!

  104. Gosh, I’m so glad to get your email and your gorgeous, inspiring photos and recipes certainly brightened my day. You have a gift of beauty. Please keep posting when you have time.

  105. Martha Lemons SherrillOctober 6, 2022 at 9:53 PM

    Thank you for all of your enjoyable and inspiring (though for me, purely aspirational and vicarious) pictures, words, shared travel and cuisine. I vote blog over social media. While we understand blogging is time consuming, I will do my best to be more responsive and less passive in my enjoyment. Your curated, tasteful, and personal offerings are far superior to Instagram. No contest. Please know you are under no pressure to produce on any schedule…just when you are inspired! Salut!

  106. Oh please keep blogging. In this sometimes confusing and crazy world your blog is a respite and a joy. But dear MaiTai please share just one thing where you are imperfect (I say this with a wink). Your world is just too exquisite to comprehend at times. Fondly, Holly

  107. I'm a few days behind, but absolutely add my voice to the "we love your words and photos" chorus! I remember the lively and supportive chatter we used to have in the comments...yours was one of the first comment sections where I remember only positivity between your followers which I always attributed to your elegance and grace for tone-setting. I agree with the poster above who asks that you consider your preferences. I look forward to another scarf season (Texas is only beginning to cool down) so I can bring out my cherished scarf rings all purchased from your shop! Know that your influence is admired and appreciated!

  108. Yes to your blog, please!

  109. I usually read your blog posts in these emails and I do miss them. If you’re posting the same type of content on IG, it’s not in my feed.

  110. Yes please to long, coherent blog posts. I love yours. I love reading. Instagram is pretty, but it has much too much video content.

  111. I thoroughly enjoy your blog and pictures, please continue to do so if you have the time to do so. Thank you!

  112. Dearest Taina,
    I think your readers‘ vote is quite obvious by now :) I only just received your email notification and immediately rushed to your blog- it’s always a tremendous joy to read a beautifully written text and get inspiration from your skilled photographs. I really enjoyed the good company here - and though many of us are now also connected via IG, it’s still more fun to read your blog. I often miss your posts in my feed - too much rubbish is distracting from the good stuff. I know it’s a lot of work and time consuming- but if you enjoy writing- your readers will be appreciative and happy! Thanks for all of your efforts and looking forward to more posts!
    Love and greetings to all my fellow swans,

  113. Oh oui s'il vous plaît, continuez. C'est un tel plaisir de vous lire !

  114. Welcome back! I've missed the blog posts very much. Personally, I'm no longer on Instagram, so the blog posts are my only means of engagement with you. And speaking of engagement, I find the blog posts much more engaging than Instagram posts. Hope to see more of you soon.

  115. Please don't go..... stay with us! I am on Instagram but it's too crowded and I use rarely (mostly to stalk the house I used to live in to see what the new owners have done! )

  116. I love your blog and when I first discovered it used to get a lot of my H inspiration and scarf ideas from
    You .. instagram has turned into a lot of commercial
    Hard-sell and influencers plugging lots of things they got gifted. There are a few good posters I follow on there in my circle of interests but so much of it now seems to be ad-based and algorithms.. Of course if you are struggling with the time to curate the blog ( Fabulous as it is), that is another conversation entirely as I’m sure you are forever juggling to have enough time to fit things in., hopefully I didn’t leave you an essay - best wishes from cold wintry Uk by the way.

  117. Miss you very much! I live here in the USA. I love your blog it's inspiring and blissful. I hope you are enjoying still doing it. I look forward to each newsletter from your blog and I have made purchases and loved them.
    Okay have a great weekend.
    Warm regards

  118. I enjoy your blog! I admire your good taste and it inspires me with great ideas!

  119. Please, please,don’t go! I love your blog and enjoy all the beautiful pictures. I m also enjoying following your Doxies.

  120. Lovely to see you again, Maitai! I recently started going through my H scarf collection again and encountered your wonderful scarf rings -- you would recognize some of my scarves as I shamelessly copied you in years past! I'm happy to be traveling again and choosing scarves to take with me -- looking forward to taking a furry collar to NYC in January (if it's cold enough!) Do keep writing and photographing your beautiful flowers and tables and travels -- it makes me remember some delightful trips to France. Have a wonderful holiday season and love to your darling doggies! Marilynne from Atlanta

  121. Yes!!! Love your blogging and pictures 💞💞💞

  122. I love hearing from you! I miss your travel blogs, what’s new in your wardrobe, scarfs, all of it. Thank you, Lynn

  123. Still enjoy the blog

  124. Thank you for the time and thoughtfulness you have put into your blog. It is a beautiful labor of love. I am a relative newbie follower and have gone back and read your posts from the beginning. During the two long years of Covid lockdowns, lost travel opportunities, etc your older posts brought a lightness to my days and I realize I was very remiss in not Thanking You for being here to add beauty to those days. I would like to caste my vote for the blog! IG does not do justice to your creative message and beautiful photography. Best.Lucia

  125. I’ve been reading your blog for years and adore the mink collar scarf inserts I ordered from you.
    Please keep your news coming as it’s inspiring and a great source for those of us who don’t feel dressed without a scarf.

  126. Love your blog posts! They are always beautiful and so inspirational. They are much more enjoyable than a simple Instagram photo. I hope that you will continue! Best wishes from Texas!

  127. Please continue blogging. I don’t do instagram either. I look forward to more posts from you.

  128. I enjoy your blog and have been missing it. I enjoy Instagram too but a blog is so much more.

  129. Please continue sharing your beautiful blog.

  130. I love the blog. I miss it as much as I miss your collection of scarf rings and scarf pouches you once sold on the site!

  131. I enjoy your Instagram posts but I also enjoyed reading this blog entry. I received it by email

  132. I enjoy the blog - it is calm and beautiful- and a nice relief form everyday life ! I missed you …

  133. Have missed your blog postings! Always enjoy reading yr posts & seeing the exquisite items you create.

  134. Your blog came as a surprise in my email box today. I wasn't aware that you were considering not doing it anymore. I have so enjoyed your content and would sorely miss reading it and enjoying it. You have a wonderful eye for color and design and everything you do. Please continue to create content and I promise I will start to comment on your blog. I never realized I was supposed to comment! Silly me!

  135. Always loved the blog. Instagram not the same. I especially liked the capsule wardrobe content. Please come back to Blogging. So few real people now. It’s all just really selling by so called influencers. Thank you.

  136. I really enjoy your blog posts. I’m so happy when I receive an email notification. You bring happiness to my life!

  137. I always enjoy your blog posts. It is always lovely to see France thru your lense. Your pictures and blog are always a treat. A fan from Texas 😍

  138. I love your blog! Your creativity is inspiring and I love your taste in decor and in dressing. You are the one that gets the credit for me wearing scarves. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have the courage or the know how on how to tie or to style them. Please don’t go away! With love, Caprice

  139. I love your blog and look forward to it and hope you keep it up. You have such a fantastic sense of style, color , and composition. I especially like when you provide the details of items used in your photos and have purchased items from your store and have used links to other stores as well. Best wishes to you!

  140. I very much enjoy your blog for its content and its serene, beautiful photos, often in groups of similar colors and patterns. A new post always provides a visual respite in my busy day!

  141. Dear Mai Tai, I have enjoyed your blogs for many years. I looked forward to them. Please only do what you have time for. If you don't blog, I will continue to follow on Instagram. What I truly miss is the wonderful jewelry and other items you offered. I know COVID years likely made it difficult to source items, but the blog format works well to showcase and sell them if you get back to it. Laura in Alaska

  142. Yes Please! Continue to inspire us!

  143. Sending you love from Canada. I miss your writing and photos so much. You are the epitome of style and grace and culture, and your posts have been very aspirational to me and a source of beauty and creativity. I am 40 and I live vicariously through you because my dream was always to live/retire in the south of France. I discovered you many years ago while searching for scarf inspiration… but it’s your artistic photography and enchanting life glimpses that keep me here. Please don’t stop your lovely and meaningful blog!! 💕💕

  144. Oh, how I have missed your blog posts and the lovely swans gathered there! You have always been a fantastic source of inspiration for fashion, Hermes, recipes, photography and pups! No matter what, your joie de vivre always shone through!
    Given the ads,algorithms,influencers and reels, IG leaves me rather cold.
    That being said, you need to do what feels right for you at this place in time.I know the work you put into each and every post, given the perfectionist that you are!
    Perhaps the comments declined because of the difficulty replying. I know I wasn’t able to post.
    Looks like you have a bevy of swans ready to gather ‘round the pond again!
    Chin chin! Let’s get the bubbly chilling ! Mwahs Txx

  145. I love your blog. It inspires me, gives me ideas, and helps me feel the world is more beautiful because of it.

  146. Love from Canada 🇨🇦! You are my favourite blogger. Madly in love with your photos and glimpses into your iconic, charming lifestyle. You are my inspiration and my muse!! Please don’t stop your wonderful blog. It adds much pleasure and beauty to my life. 💕

  147. I’ve missed your posts and had hoped you were just busy. Your posts are a breath of fresh air and are always beautiful and inspiring, thank you Angelette

  148. I don’t use Instagram either. I have always enjoyed your blog so I hope you continue.

  149. Please wonderful Mai Tai (what is your real name?) do not give up your blog! I am an American woman who is devoted to you and
    have been missing your posts. You are so elegant and talented. I am addicted to Hermes scarves and you help me appreciate them as
    Works of art. and now I must go and make your
    apple pie. Keep educating your followers. There is no one who can replace you. Gratefully Martha Grossman

  150. I prefer your blog ! Please continue ! I miss reading your travelogue.

  151. Greeting MaiTai! There's nothing like your blog for inspiration, it always lift my spirits. I do not have time for Instagram scrolling, so I have missed your images and stories very much. I hope you choose to continue the blog format.

  152. Yes, I am out here - and several
    Others are with me! I hope you keep blogging. I much prefer this format. I’m not an instagram person. I have missed you - please continue the blog. I have followed you for many years - I very, very, rarely comment - but I enjoy your blog immensely. It is a small pleasure of mine and I would hate to lose you. Your efforts are greatly appreciated! M. Robinson, USA

  153. LOVE THE BLOG!!!!!

  154. I follow you on Instagram, have your app and have loved your blog forever! It was the first blog I ever followed. Wish it were a real picture book that I could keep on my coffee table. What a lovely, elegant one it would be! Follow your heart’s desire, Dear Lady, but I will always love your blog and you.

  155. Your blog has always been an island refuge of taste and elegance in the true sense. Please keep them coming!

  156. I, too, love and look forward to your beautiful blog. Please don't stop blogging. I don't use Instagram either.

  157. I love and miss your blog

  158. Bonjour darling Tai! I love both—so long as we don’t get less of your insights on Instagram, I’m perfectly fine with your switching completely from blogging to Instagraming <3 Just please keep sharing your thoughts, all other little interesting and beautiful things in life, and the gorgeous photos! Much love and biggest of B-H’s, Cecilia xx

  159. I love reading your blog, too, and have really missed you. During the pandemic lockdown I dipped into the archives to revisit your travel blog posts. I know blogging can take a lot of time, but please consider continuing with your blog if you can find the time. I am a faithful and appreciative reader!! I don't have an Instagram account and am not really inclined toward signing up for one. Thanks so much!

  160. I loved your blog and have missed all the beauty you share. It is so much more than FB or IG. Hope to see your blog again. Babsy

  161. What a treat today to see your photos! If you’re willing and able, please keep blogging - always an inspiration. Loved the apple recipe

  162. I love your enchanting blog. Please don’t stop❤️

  163. Please don't ever stop blogging-yours is the one I absolutely must see as soon as it hits my email. Style, class, ideas, your creativity, fantastic food & recipes and those adorable dogs keep me coming back for more. I keep practicing my scarf tying You're the ultimate expert on that subject. With deepest thank & gratitude for a wonderfully written blog.

  164. Love the blog and the pictures - please continue you make so many of us smile!

  165. You produce one of the most unique and lovely blogs. I like this format as it’s easier to reference than a social media outlet such as Instagram.
