
Sunday, November 6, 2022

Thank you

First of all, an enormous, grateful and massive thank you to everyone who responded to the last and previous posts. I was completely floored by the sheer number of comments; it was something that I had not expected at all. I am so touched and humbled to know that the blog is still loved and appreciated, and was amazed to learn that so many of you are not/no longer interested in, or simply wary of, social media or Instagram. 

Of course, I will continue with the blog (how could I not!) and will do so with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Thank you all (including those who replied via email) from the depth of my heart for taking the time to write; it meant so much and I am grateful to every one of you. My apologies for not having responded individually or personally this time ... I tried at first but couldn't keep up. Will give it my very best in the future, and hope some of you will drop by from time to time to say hello in the comments!

Today's post does not only mark the continuation of the blog but also coincides with the 15th anniversary of my first Kelly, a 32 Retourne in Clemence Ebene.

Nowadays perhaps considered a "boring colour", but I love the dark brown Espresso shade and still adore carrying this bag.

Left: Ms Ebene, brand new out of the box in 2007. Right, still looking fabulous in 2022.  The chair is the same in both pictures, only that it's been re-upholstered recently (Iliad fabric by Lewis and Wood).

In honour of the anniversary, I am wearing the same dress as in 2007. I don't know where the chain necklace (left below) disappeared to, so I replaced it with a long pendant necklace from my collection (available here). The same goes for the shoes, so I am wearing my tri-coloured Roger Viviers that go quite a while back too:

To celebrate Kelly's 15th anniversary, the necklace comes with a 15% discount (please enter the following code at checkout: Anniversary15). The same discount applies to the ivory version (black: here and ivory: here).

In exciting news, I am so happy and pleased to show you a further completed part of my workspace expansion and renovation project. What a lovely coincidence that the colour scheme is perfectly in tune with the birthday girl's dark espresso Clemence leather!

I wanted it to be a glamorous and multi-purpose space where I could bring my laptop and work, develop new recipes, host lunches and hold future workshops. An extension of my workspace, rather than a traditional-looking kitchen.  The workshop website is currently under construction, and I hope to come out with it soon! (if you have any thoughts or suggestions, please let me know in the comments below)

Instead of uniform cabinetry, I decided to mix plain stained wood surfaces for the top wall units and island, with a more classic look painted wood cupboards that have mouldings and cornices.

The walls didn't remain white for long ...

I went for a warm medium brown (Mouse's Back by Farrow and Ball), that also covers the ceiling:

For the cabinetry, I chose Farrow and Ball's richly pigmented "Off-Black", whereas the plain-surfaced island cabinetry and upper wall hanging units are dark stained wood.

For the stone surfaces I fell in love with an amazing piece of black African Fusion quartzite, which adds a glamorous and dramatic touch. The patterns in this stone have incredible depth and sometimes elements that sparkle. It feels like looking into space!

Although the main elements are dark, the overall atmosphere is rich and warm ... strategically placed ceiling spots (DH is fantastic with lights) and integrated cabinet lights cast a warm and inviting glow throughout.

It was an exciting day when the cabinetry arrived.  I am overjoyed with the end result, but it has been a fairly difficult process and it took quite a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to get there. All this is forgotten now, and I could not be happier.

Here's to the next ten years of blogging, and I hope many of you will accompany me! It is amazing to think that by that point my Kelly will be a quarter of a century old.

Hope everyone is happy and well, and wishing you a beautiful remaining autumn xx

(There is no sponsored content in this post; all items were purchased by me. There is also no affiliation with any of the brands/companies mentioned above or below)

Appliances: Wolf range cooker and Subzero fridge by Subzero and Wolf
Paint: Mouse's Back and Off-Black by Farrow and Ball
African Fusion quartzite stone and installation by Anastay, St Remy de Provence
Cabinetry and installation by ACC Menuiserie 


  1. Happy anniversary to the bag. Brown is such a versatile colour. I just bought a pair of leather trousers in express brown. Will never go out of style. Good luck with the new space. Looks beautiful.

    1. Thanks so much, Hilde! Your leather trousers sound wonderful, perfect for autumn and winter to come! 🍂🍁🍂

    2. Hi Mai Tai! I noticed a post from like 10 years ago featuring an orange, cotton Hermes scarf, I won’t attempt to spell it but you surely know which one I mean. I lost mine years ago and have been searching for another. Would you be interested in selling yours? I miss it desperately.

    3. Hi Cyd, - So sorry to hear you lost your scarf, I suppose it must have been "Chasse en Inde"? Please send me an email: Best, Tai

  2. Hi MaiTai, what an amazing workspace you have created... so serene and calm... wishing you many happy hours creating in there, with warmest regards, Jayne x

    1. So happy that you like it Jayne, thanks so much for the lovely comment! It feels serene and calm indeed, and is such a joy to me. Have a wonderful evening x

    2. This might be off topic but could you share with us how you take care of your bags to keep them looking so good?

    3. Dear Moira, - you are welcome to ask any question! The best way to maintain your bag's structure is to store it correctly ... lying on their back and filled with air cushions for support. Our bags spend most of their time unused, and if constantly standing upright without any support, the leather will naturally weigh down and start sagging. Over a long period of time the sagging folds could crack, thus damaging the bag irreparably. This is particularly important for heavy leathers, such as Clemence and Togo, and less of an issue with smaller, Sellier style bags. When carried, I use my bag inserts which protect the bag's delicate interior and help maintain its shape. You can read more about this topic/my inserts here:

  3. Beautiful and luxe.....just like you dear lady! xo

  4. Hi Maitei, you look amazing now and then. Congrats on your renovation.

    1. Thanks so much for the kind comment, happy that you like the new space!

  5. You look fantastic as always! Love the new workspace, the sleekness od the cabinets just makes me swoon!

    1. Many thanks for the lovely words! The cabinets are a dream come true, I could not be happier.

  6. This space is gorgeous! I wish you many happy moments there. Speaking of all things beautiful, I realize this is not the focus of your blog, but would you consider sharing your skincare regimen with us on the blog? In your photos above, the one that features you in 2007 and 2022, I was struck by the fact that you've barely aged at all. I'm sure good genes play a big role, but any advice you might have would be greatly appreciated.

  7. I discover your site during a trip to France in which I caught influenza in the flight .It made the convalescence so much tolerable.Since then I enjoy your posts with so many beautiful ideas.That was I think 5 years ago.I live in Mexico and I love your jewelry.I was wondering if you can send it here with prepaid import taxes.Merci beaucoup.

    1. I love hearing blog discovery stories, thank you for sharing yours! Sorry that your trip to France was overshadowed by catching the flu on the plane, hope you were able to enjoy your stay nevertheless. I sometimes ship to Mexico, and I know that you have to pay import taxes. Unfortunately I cannot do this from here, I am truly sorry!

  8. Welcome back MaiTai. I missed you.

    1. Thanks so much for the lovely welcome back Judith!

  9. That kitchen !…. And that room off the kitchen is to die for … reminds me of my index palmirum (?) Hermes scarf in cream and green xopat

    1. Index Palmarum, you are right Pat! It is no surprise that things that we like, often go hand in hand with other things we like! We are scarf twins on the IP x

  10. Thank you for your warm greeting and enthusiasm to keep expressing your unique beauty sensibilities with us on your blog. Your newly styled self portraits are stunning. It is gratifying to see dresses, and accessories in these times we are living in. Brava! Warmly, Holly @hollyestyles

    1. Thanks so much for the kind and lovely words, dear Holly. After 15years I thought I better wean myself off the mirror selfies ;) Like you, I love wearing dresses, particularly in the summer. Warmest wishes from France, Tai

  11. Absolutely loved your blog. Keep it up. So enjoyable. W

    1. Many thanks, so happy you enjoyed the blog! Will keep it up, everyone's support meant so much :)

  12. Oh my, what a beauty this space is and, as ever, perfectly coordinated and harmonious. May it bring you great joy. As you bring us with this wonderful blog 🙏. I particularly love the pop of red on the cooker knobs and the matching flowers - a type of cyclamen maybe? Well done on all the hard graft both on your workspace and on your posts 🤎❤️🤎
    Shauna 🌹

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words and good wishes, dear Shauna! I love the pop of red on the cooker too. It came with two sets of knobs, one red and one chrome. All red was too much, and all chrome too boring. So I used chrome for the burners and two red ones for the oven controls. The red flowers are a little potted Chili pepper plant (I put it outside during the day). Warm regards, Tai

  13. I’m so thankful you are continuing your blog! You are truly an inspiration.

    1. Dear Jennie, - thanks so much for the warm welcome back!

  14. Greetings MaiTai. Your new space is beautiful. Lots of work in the process...I am glad you are enjoying it now. Your independent artistic and decorating talents show. I love the African Fusion quartzite stone. I am looking forward to your workshop website. Thank you for taking the time to continue with your blog. I very much enjoy it. Laura in Alaska

    1. Dearest Laura, - thank you so much for your continues support over the years and kind and lovely notes, I appreciate it all so much. The African Fusion quartzite is even more stunning in real life, I find it impossible to capture its depth and beauty in pictures. I hope you can see it for yourself one day! Warmest wishes, Tai

  15. Wow, Mai Tai, If I had a kitchen like that, I might actually cook!!

    1. Haha ... I think you would! Impossible to resist its lure!

  16. You should also be an interior designer- your kitchen-workspace is gorgeous and that room we see in the background looks fabulous.

    1. Thanks so much Sharri for the lovely comment! Interior design has lately become a real passion, but since I have no training, eduction or qualifications, I'll just busy myself in my own home and workspace. There will be more on the room in background soon!

    2. Hi Mai Tai. I have a magazine and podcast for women titled Extraordinary Women. Would you ever consider being a podcast guest or writing an article for the magazine? The January issue will have an article on Hermès because I love scarves and everything about the Hermès brand. You would be a beautiful addition and could certainly promote your app. Regardless, I have followed you for years and purchased many of your jewelry pieces and scarf rings- even your scarf travel "book" and will continue to do so.

    3. Hi, - thanks so much for the kind words and offer, I would love to be a guest on your podcast! Please send me an email and we can discuss further: So happy that you are pleased with your past purchases and looking forward to chatting to you. Best, Tai

  17. Hello MaiTai,

    So happy for you! All the best on your new adventure. I have missed your blog posts-so glad that you are back.


    1. Thanks so much Bobbi for the lovely welcome back and good wished, that is so kind of you!

  18. Hello dearest MaiTai, congratulations on your wonderful new workspace, it is fantastic. So happy you are to continue your blog; it is always such a joy to read. Much love to you from Wendy in Adelaide Australia.

    1. Bonjour dearest Wendy, thanks so much for the lovely note! Hope all is happy and well with you and Nikki! Much love, Tai

  19. Beautiful, extraordinary , tasteful space you have created! Love it.....

    1. I am so happy that you love the new space, thank you so much!

  20. Green with envy. Beautiful doesn't describe another life, I hope to come back as a crumb, stuck in the corner to observe. Simply amazing. And I adore the dark chocolate color of the bag. Your style is to-die.

    1. The good news is that you don't have to wait for another life, I am going to hold workshop in this space in the future and am happy to share whatever you want me to! The bag has been such a joy to me, looking forward to the next 15 years :)

    2. I too would love to hear about your workshop! Honestly, you could teach on so many topics relevant to women. Looking forward to it. Thank you!

    3. Hello Sharri, - so happy that you are interested in the workshop! Please let me know which topics you'd be interested in, as I am working on the content right now. Looking forward to your feedback, thanks so much in advance!

  21. I am so glad that you have decided to continue your blog, even if it will cost you a lot of time and thought. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life and work from time to time!

    1. I am so glad too, the blog has been a big part of my life. I'm overjoyed that it is still meaningful to you and many others, and I look forward to continue the journey with you!

  22. What a joy to discover your new post! The IG reel just couldn’t capture the beauty of espresso Clemence (I actually thought it was black). So much more fun to look at larger pictures on a computer/iPad! First of all congrats on ageing so well- neither Ms Kelly nor you show any signs of the past 15(!) years…
    Totally in love with your new work space - calling it kitchen wouldn’t be adequate. It’s such an inviting space. Workshops? Music in my ears! Olive tapenade comes to my mind….and many others of your delicious looking recipes. Not good at cooking at all, I’d make up for it when it comes to testing and eating;)
    I can feel your sweat, pain and renovation tears…but the outcome is fantastic and was definitely worth the effort. Good luck with your new projects and can’t wait to read about them!
    Love, Katja

    1. What a joy to see you, dearest Katja! I agree with you on the IG Reel. Having looked at it after posting, I found it mildly annoying how the pictures "do their own thing", but apparently everyone loves reels. Or perhaps it's just IG's algorithms that make us believe this, I really have no idea.
      So thrilled you like the new space, thanks so much! I think you'd be very good at cooking ... good taste tends to transcend through different disciplines, and since you like tasting you already know if something works or doesn't. I make a note of the Olive tapenade, and will think of a dish to go with it. It'll be all vegetarian though, hope this isn't a deterrent. We can always compensate with an extra glass of champagne :) Alles Liebe

  23. Absolutely beautiful! I love brown! So happy you do as well because you immaculate taste!

    1. Here's to brown, so happy that you love it too!

  24. So glad you are continuing to blog!

    1. Thanks so much for the lovely welcome back, I really appreciate it!

  25. Dark rich browns (and greens and purples) are luscious and wonderful. It makes me so happy when I see them well used.

    1. Beautifully said, dear Erika. Luscious, rich and beautiful indeed! Warm regards from France

  26. Stunning work space you created. I’ve been a fan of yours since you started to blog. What type of workshops to you host?

    1. Thanks so much for the lovely comment and for having been part of the journey from the beginning! The workshops will focus mainly on scarf tying and cooking, but I am more than happy to cater for any specific request anyone might have. If you have any feedback or thoughts please let me know!

  27. You created such a beautiful work space, very elegant. I’m so happy you decided to keep your blog running. I’ve enjoyed it for many years!

    1. I am so happy that you like the new space, thanks so much for the kind words! Also so nice to meet a long time reader, hope to see you commenting again in the future!

  28. Absolutely stunning remodeling. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you very much. I learned so much in the process, it's been quite a journey!!

  29. Très beau !!! Quelle réussite

  30. So happy you are continuing the blog! Every time I need to distress from work or routine I enter your site and lift myself looking at beautiful setups, decorations, installations and objects. So stylish and elegant. Same goes for you, that you still fit in a dress of 2007!
    Thank you!

    1. I am so touched by your words, thank you so much. If I ever am in doubt again if anyone reads my blog I'll think of your comment. I hope that the stress from work or routine subsides, and that calmer times lie ahead <3

  31. Wow amazing work space you have and totally love what you are wearing and of course the dark brown Espresso Hermes Kelly bag. Looking forward to the next blog.

    1. Thanks so much! I am so happy that you enjoyed the post and looking forward to seeing you on the next one!

  32. Dear Maitai,
    Happy anniversary! It's amazing,15 years doesn't show on you or Kelly! You are both so young and stylish. I'm glad that you continued your blogging. Your nice stories and beautiful pics delight me every time.
    You have done wonderful renovations, your newest multi-purpose space is so gorgeous, stylish yet cozy.
    I wish you all the best, lots of new blogs and workshops!
    Ystävällisin terveisin, Mirja

    1. Hei Mirja! Paljon kiitoksia for your lovely comment and kind good wishes! I think it might become harder and harder to keep up with my Kelly, but I'll try my best ;) We'll see in 2027....(at this point 5 year anniversaries could probably be celebrated)! Hauskaa iltaa ja ystävällisin terveisin, Taina

  33. I am speechless! It’s fabulous. Beyond words. And you are ageless, as is your wardrobe. I think I should cancel tomorrow’s flight. I will develop a massive inferiority complex!
    Much love,

    1. Thank you, darling Jerrine! You will see tomorrow for yourself, then tell me if it looks better in the photos, or if the pictures fail to do it justice! Can't wait xx

  34. Très chère Maitai Toujours aussi magnifique 15 ans après Bravo Et toi toujours aussi belle et même plus Contente de revoir le blog Je t'embrasse Myriam

    1. Très chère Myriam, - je te remercie pour ta gentillesse et tes mots doux. Belle soirée, je t'embrasse

  35. Your bag and the new space are just beautiful! You continue to inspire. Thank you for returning to your blog. I've missed it!

    1. Thanks so much, Carol, for the warm and lovely welcome back!

  36. "Boring Colour"?! I don't see a dark brown color in that way at all. I live in Chicago and, in the fall and the winter, that fits in well with the deep, rich autumn colors and the light from the sun being lower on the horizon. In the winter, I like it with the darker colors I wear.
    I remember some years ago, dark brown was often being paired with baby blue. That just shows that it depends how you want to see it.
    So glad that you, too, have and enjoy your handbags for years. I am just picking up one that was in being dyed and conditioned. It makes me wonder if you have had to do that with your bag? The corners often show the most wear.
    Thank you for your post and keep them coming.

    1. I love brown too, and don't see it as boring. It goes beautifully with so many different colors! So far none of my bags have been conditioned. The corners show a little wear, but it's hardly perceivable. One day perhaps! Will keep the posts coming :)

  37. Hello Mai Tai, how lovely to read your blog again, love your project, thank you for the recipes, I don’t use social media any more; time consuming, endless scrolling, so much sponsored, I have returned to blogs so fabulous that you have continued to share with us all. Thank you xxx Sheena, Uk

    1. Bonjour Sheena, - thanks so much for the kind words and for sharing your thoughts. Social media has become a little frustrating for the all the reasons you stated, it gets harder and harder to find genuine content. I find myself turning towards blogs again too! xx

  38. Darling Tai, Your first blog post back has glamorous written all of over it! YOU, Ms. Kelly in luscious Ebene, and your atelier renovation are all classic and timeless! Ms. Kelly in Clemence has only developed a slight slouch, yet you have not!! Maybe that could be a future workshop theme;) How to keep the slouch at bay!
    Love, love the renovation! Kudos for, yet again, classic and timeless choices! Kudos to DH, too, as the lighting really does set the tone!
    Can’t wait to see what you have in store for the workshops!
    Chin chin darling and please take a well deserved bow, T xx

    1. Darling Trudye, - we are going back for almost as long as Ms Kelly, thank you so much for the fun, upbeat, and sparkling comments; and good cheer over the years ... you've always sprinkled magic fairy dust over my posts! So very happy that you like the new space, and I agree ...Ebene seems to be the perfect bag color to go with it. As for the slouch ... I'll keep it at bay with bubbly or wine, but not sure it's the best approach for Ms Kelly! Much much love, T xxx

  39. What a charmed life, cheers to you and yours!


    1. This must be you, Contessa! Don't think I can compete with THE ITALIAN! xx

  41. I am so happy you decided to continue your blog! I look forward to each and every post! Thanks so much for the time and effort you put into your blog - much appreciated!!

  42. What a gorgeous kitchen and work space. It’s so elegant and glamorous just like you! I am looking forward to your “new” blog and can’t wait to be a part of all of your adventures! 🧜‍♀️🧜‍♀️🧜‍♀️

    1. Is this you, dearest DM? So happy you like the new space, and looking forward to continue to share adventures with you! xx

  43. Happy Anniversary to You, the blog and the Bag of course!
    Always healthy, creative, inspired and inspirational!
    Cheers 🥂 with appreciation of all the beauty in our life. Effie

    1. Thank you so much Effie for the lovely and kind good wishes, I really appreciate it! Here's to all lovely and good things in life 🥂

  44. I really enjoyed this, I too have given up on social media, just finding it lacking in authenticity, so much sponsored content. So I hugely enjoyed reading about your project, looks wonderful. Thankyou for sharing, kindest xx

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! I would never have guessed how many have turned their back on social media, but I am also not surprised. The fun of the early days has definitely taken a hit by over-commercialised content! xx

  45. Best wishes for many years of enjoyment of your gorgeous new space - and many more years with your beautiful brown Kelly. I’m so glad you have decided to continue blogging; I always enjoy following your adventures!

    1. Thank you so much for the warm and lovely good wishes, that is so very kind of you!

  46. You and your Hermès bag have both passed through the years beautifully and elegantly. Your new kitchen is superb and must be a joy to work in. Thanks you for sharing these inspiring images with us !

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words! My bags and me have been very lucky, and hope we'll spend many more happy anniversaries together! So glad you like the new space too, it's such a wonderful space to work indeed!

  47. Darling Tai,
    What a joy to read your post and see your wonderful pictures. Both Ms Kelly and you keep their beauty, you even more than ‘her’, I must say 😉.
    The work space you created is so inviting, warm and exquisite and I do look forward future post from there.
    Thank you very much for your decision to continue blogging despite the time and work you spend on it.
    I really do appreciate you did.
    Sending you much love and my best wishes for a blissful and mild Autumn, Manuela

    1. Dearest Manuela, - thank you so much for the lovely words (Ms Kelly is slightly miffed 😂, but I am not 😃) and for the warm welcome back for the blog. Looking forward to sharing future adventures and posts from the new space, and wishing you a happy and mellow autumn too! Much love, Tai xx

  48. Your place looks stunning and so do you! Always love the blog and smile when I see a new post in my inbox!

    1. Thank you so much Lorna, - it makes me happy to know that the emails make you smile!

  49. Dear Tai, I am very happy to hear that you are not stopping blogging! What a lucky day!
    Your contribution is wonderful. The kitchen or the workplace look noble and valuable.
    I love it. Will you tell us what kind of courses you will be offering?
    By the way, you look fabulous in that dress. Like always of course.
    The 15-year-old Kelly is still great and shows that quality never goes bad.
    Looking forward to the next post.
    All the best Gabriele

    1. Dear Gabriele, - your lovely comment warmed my heart, thank you so much! The courses will center around scarf tying and cooking, but can be tailored towards specific requests and can also include decoration, styling tips, gift wrapping, or anything else you'd like to know. It will be fun to do all these in the new workplace, can't wait! Warmest wishes from France, Tai

  50. What a wonderful treat to have a new blog post! When I started my H journey, your posts about your search for Ms. Ebene were so inspirational (and educational!) I love how you've shared your adventures in scarves, bags, jewelry and fashion. I hope you will continue to bring us periodic amuse bouches of your life in Province. It's such a lovely little dream of a vacation with each post.

    xoxo Gaby

    1. Dear Gaby, - how lovely to know that we go such a long way back! At the time DS was still in primary school and now he's finished university and lives in London. It's been almost 15 years, it really is quite incredible. I will definitely continue to blog, the support has been so heartwarming and wonderful. Thanks so much! xx

  51. Absolutely LOVE your blog! What a rarity these days! So happy that you decided to continue! The kitchen makeover is incredible! You and Ms.Kelly both look beyond chic! My favorite part is when you take us on your personal style journey, your thinking process how to choose what to wear at different moments of life, keep it simple yet interesting and classy. Can’t wait for your next post!

    1. Thanks so much for the lovely comment! It is so nice to hear which parts of the blog are particularly interesting to you, and with a new car delivery coming by the end of this year there will be a post on what to wear for the occasion ;) And then there's the holiday season, too! So happy that you like the new space and hope you enjoy the blogs to come!

  52. Gorgeous renovations, and beautiful Kelly and you! Both in 2007 and now!

  53. Je tombe par hasard sur votre blog Bravo pour l'état du sac Il est vrai que le marron se fait moins mais va très bien avec le noir L ambiance de votre maison me fait penser à un décor de théâtre c est amusant et étonnant à la fois
    Bonne continuation à vous c est du travail un blog 😊

    1. Bienvenue sur mon blog ! Par contre l'ambience n'est pas celle de ma maison, c'est mon espace de travail 😊

  54. Dear MaiTai thank you so much for continuing your blog; it is such a joy to read and truly inspirational! Long may you continue! Elisabetta

    1. Thanks so much dear Elisabetta for the kind and lovely words of encouragement! It means a lot and will definitely continue for now!

  55. I’ m so happy to read that you will be continuing your blog, as I’ve enjoyed it for ages! You have such exquisite taste in everything…your new work space is to die for! I would never leave!! And lastly, oh how I wish I had something in ebene in my Hermes collection. It’s such a classic colour❤️

    1. If you are happy, then I am happy too! Thanks so much for your lovely comment ❤️ I hope you'll continue to enjoy my blog, and that something in Ebene will join your collection one day soon!

  56. Thank you for continuing to blog! I am so grateful that you offer us such beautiful and interesting content.

    1. So happy to know that you enjoy the blog, thank you so much for the lovely comment!

  57. So impressed with the project completion, your vision and all the work. Hermès ébène in all its beauty has been etched into my mind since I first saw your bag. Thank you for continuing with your blog and w finally purchased the scarf art app. - Tanja

    1. My dear Tanja, - we are going back a very long time! What does tPF call us ... OG! Ms Kelly is definitely an OG, too ;) So happy you like the completed project, and thanks so much for purchasing the app. Hope you have tons of fun with it, and if you have any questions or suggestions please let me know! Ganz liebe Grüsse, Taina

  58. Replies
    1. Thank you, for your support!!

    2. No, I cannot thank you enough,
      also for taking the time and trouble to make your splendid archive available again!
      When I was lying in bed with the flu, it was the most wonderful distraction!
      Oh - and: congratulation to your truly amazing kitchen - superbe!

    3. So glad the archive alleviated the boredom of being down with the flu, and hope you've recovered completely! Many thanks for your kind words re the new kitchen too, that is so nice of you <3

  59. C est merveilleux de voir comme les commentaires qui ne vont pas dans le sens voulu ont la facilité à disparaître ...
    Tout le monde ne peut aimer votre style chère C est un goût qui n'est pas français C est votre goût à vous

    1. Of course style and taste is a personal thing. You obviously don’t like mine, so the real question is why do you keep coming back? Most of your comments (three today alone) land in the bin, as I have no patience for trolls and unconstructive negativity. My advice: If you don’t like my blog, don’t look at it :)

  60. I love your blog. I am so glad you are going to continue. You have the most elegant and inspirational taste on all the internet. xoxo

    1. Thank you so much for the lovely comment, I love that your love my blog xxx
